Thursday, October 22, 2009

What Do People Do All Day?

This fall with the encouragement of a book that I read by Barbara Kingsolver, Animal, Vegetable, Miracle, and from the excitement about canning that my daughter and daughter-in-law have evidenced, I took up the challenge to "put away" for the winter. The reward is seeing all those yummy items on the shelf, sharing with others and eating good things. These are the items in our cold room: peaches, peach salsa, pepper relish, salsa, beet pickles and dill pickles.

A few times in the past few weeks, Lisa, Stella (Lisa and Mike's dog), and I have walked up the headlands. It is a beautiful view in all directions from there. And we also get a bit of a cardio workout.


Alice said...

Your pantry display is impressive, Marilyn. I've gotten away from canning but there's a real sense of accomplishment in this art which our mother's taught us. But in those years while we were kids at home it definitely was a means to survival - no fast food places or delis around at that time. Yes, something wonderful about opening a jar of peaches in the winter. Kudos to the younger set for seeing the value and joy in this.

melissa v. said...

Hey! I have been meaning to drop by your blog ever since you unlurked and left me a comment last week! Urk, now I feel extra guilty about all the swear words on my blog now that I remember you read it. I swear, THE DEVIL MADE ME DO IT!
Nice pantry by the way! So pretty! I sure wish we lived closer, we could do some canning together. I get mighty frustrated doing it alone, I have to tell you! It feels like nobody my age does this anymore! It's such a wonderful way to feed my family healthy food of good quality, and my kids love it.
This year I did jams of various kinds, tomatoes, pasta sauce, and applesauce.
Canning always, always makes me think of my Grandma Kadie. Probably because I inherited her canner when she died (so nice to have 2 canners! Double the yield in half the time!), and also because she did so much canning and jamming. Delish.
Take care! I've bookmarked you so I'll be back. Be sure to watch your language now that I'm following your blog ;P

Lou and Marilyn Sawchenko said...

Thanks, Melissa! I love your honesty and zest for all of life! It is so refreshing and inspiring. I am honoured that you have bookmarked my blog.