Thursday, January 28, 2010

If only I had some skis today...

The past few days I have really enjoyed walking in snowy Meewasin Trail park--just ten minutes from my mom's.  The temperature was minus 20 degrees.  Saskatoon had the largest snowfall of the season this past weekend.  Each step that I take is such a joy...the snow has such a great "crunch" to it.  Skiing would have been fun, but walking was satisfying enough.

1 comment:

Alice said...

Hi Marilyn - I'm thinking the Olympics should be held in Saskatoon! We're having an unusually mild winter with no snow...I can so hear that c-r-u-n-c-h under my feet from winters past. It is exhilarating walking out in the snow - I love it too. Enjoy your time with your dear Mom. Come on out and see us since you're so close already!! That would be fun.