Sunday, September 5, 2010

Earl Update

Yesterday at about eleven in the morning the winds really amped up.  Gathered at our house to ride out the storm were Lisa, Mike, Annika, Stella(the beautiful family dog), Sharon and Jim Janz (Mike's parents).  The video gives you an idea of the winds and some of the rain.  In actual fact, it did not rain as much as had been predicted. 
We played Scrabble while the men went to assess the damage at Lisa and Mike's place.

The only real inconvenience that we experienced was a disruption in power for about 28 hours.  Lisa and Mike also had their power disrupted for that length of time and a number of trees fell at their home.  Thanks to friends and neighbours with appropriate equipment as in saws and generators, we weathered the storm quite comfortably!

1 comment:

Alice said...

Hi Marilyn,
Nice work on keeping us posted - and love that video clip. Well done! Gives us a bit of the feel of what you experienced. Glad it didn't impact you more severely. Great shot of you gals riding out the storm in grand style....playing Scrabble. Great style!